The week of the horse sale we are open 24/7 accepting loose horses. Noon or midnight we are here to help you! It is $10 per day/per head for yardage including the day of the sale. There is no preconsigning of loose horses, you just bring them in and drop them off. Horses must hit the ground on all 4 with no visible lameness issues and have no open wounds. BLS does reserve the right to refuse a horse at the discretion of our Veterinarian and qualified BLS staff
Please have horses checked in no later than 6am the day of the sale
OUT OF STATE HORSES – Health, Coggins, Brand Inspection. If you are selling as a Registered horse, you will need to bring the ORIGINAL Registration Papers as well as a transfer from THE LAST RECORDED OWNER ON THE PAPERS
MONTANA HORSES – Brand Inspection – even if the horse has no brands, the brand inspection shows proof of ownership. If you are selling as a Registered horse, you will need to bring the ORIGINAL Registration Papers as well as a transfer from THE LAST RECORDED OWNER ON THE PAPERS
If you have questions regarding Brand Inspections or Healths, please call the Brand Department located at Billings Livestock at 406-252-4787