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2006 Sale Schedule

January 28

"Cabin Fever Tack Sale" and "Winter Special Catalog Sale"

February 24-25-26

"February Special Catalog Sale" with a special session of "Sons and Daughters" of money earners/champions!!!

March 24-25-26

"Spring Special Catalog Sale" featuring Oufitters, guides, guest, and trail horses & mules - special session of "Roans ONLY"

April 22-23

"April Catalog Sale" featuring ROPE horses!!!

May 27-28

"Cow Country Classic Catalog Sale" featuring our annual Best of the Remuda Ranch Horse Competition!  AND - kids horses and ponies!  AND - our annual APPALOOSA Session sells Sunday!

June 24-25

"Summer Catalog Sale" featuring TEAM PENNING horses and BUCKSKINS ONLY!

July 22-23

"Mid-Summer Catalog Sale" featuring CUTTING HORSES!

August 26-27

"August Catalog Sale" featuring Barrel Horses and our annual Montana Miniature and Pony sale!

September 23-24

"Cow Country Classic Catalog Sale" and our FALL ROPE HORSE SALE!

October 28-29

"Fall Special Catalog Sale" featuring PERFORMANCE HORSES and Production offerings!

November 25-26

"Holiday Special Catalog Sale" Featuring  PERFORMANCE horses and Production offerings!

December 30

"New Year's Special Catalog Sale"