Current Market Report
BLS Cattle Sale Report March 6, 2014
1,900 Head Sold
Spencer R Or Jeannie Griffin Billings 3 Bk-bull 857 $153.00 /cwt
U Bar Livestock Llc Roundup 1 Bk-bull 921 $148.00 /cwt
Cory L And Kari A Lamey Wise River 4 Bk-bull 971 $145.00 /cwt
James E Stampfel Absarokee 3 Bk-bull 1,066 $140.00 /cwt
Cattle Development Center Custer 2 Bk-bull 1,136 $130.00 /cwt
Yager Farming Co. Billings 3 Bk-bull 1,277 $127.00 /cwt
O Harris Asay Lovell 1 Bk-bull 2,151 $122.00 /cwt
Cattle Development Center Custer 8 Mxd-bull 1,646 $120.50 /cwt
Cattle Development Center Custer 6 Bk-bull 1,615 $120.50 /cwt
Cattle Development Center Custer 4 Rd/bk-bull 1,429 $119.50 /cwt
Cattle Development Center Custer 7 Blk/char-bull 1,561 $118.50 /cwt
Tom Or Val Tuma Cut Bank 17 Mxd-bull 1,300 $118.00 /cwt
O Harris Asay Lovell 1 Red-bull 1,801 $118.00 /cwt
Ronald D Or Kari Rigler Grass Range 2 Bkbwf-bull 1,933 $117.00 /cwt
Steven And Lee Ann Story Park City 3 Bk-bull 1,832 $114.50 /cwt
Russ Renner Lovell 2 Bk-bull 1,908 $113.50 /cwt
Robert R Story Jr Trust Park City 1 Bk-bull 1,796 $112.50 /cwt
Golden Valley Colony Ryegate 1 Bk-bull 1,836 $112.00 /cwt
David James Patterson Roberts 1 Bk-cow 1,106 $112.00 /cwt
Robert A Petersen Missoula 3 Bk-cow 1,392 $109.00 /cwt
O Harris Asay Lovell 4 Bk-cow 1,326 $105.50 /cwt
Cattle Development Center Custer 2 Bk-cow 1,371 $105.00 /cwt
David James Patterson Roberts 1 Bk-cow 1,351 $103.00 /cwt
J Bar F Ranch Co Fromberg 1 Bk-cow 1,366 $103.00 /cwt
Morris Bauwens Fromberg 1 Bk-cow 1,586 $102.50 /cwt
T 4 Ranch Lp Shepherd 1 Bk-cow 1,541 $102.00 /cwt
J Bar F Ranch Co Fromberg 1 Bk-cow 1,446 $102.00 /cwt
Duane Frehse Lewistown 1 Bwf-cow 1,661 $101.00 /cwt
Russ Renner Lovell 1 Bk-cow 1,401 $101.00 /cwt
Stovall Ranches Llc Billings 4 Bk-cow 1,299 $101.00 /cwt
O Harris Asay Lovell 2 Rd/bk-cow 1,456 $101.00 /cwt
Stovall Ranches Llc Billings 7 Bk-cow 1,428 $101.00 /cwt
Flanagans Diamond J Inc Absarokee 1 Bk-cow 1,416 $100.00 /cwt
O Harris Asay Lovell 13 Rd/bk-cow 1,462 $100.00 /cwt
Crazy M Ranch Lp Martinsdale 4 Bk-cow 1,344 $100.00 /cwt
Triple Tree Ranch Rapelje 1 Bk-cow 1,286 $99.00 /cwt
Donald B Rudio Billings 2 Bwf-cow 1,476 $99.00 /cwt
Snappy Jack Cattle Co Broadview 2 Bk-cow 1,376 $99.00 /cwt
Spencer R Or Jeannie Griffin Billings 1 Bk-cow 1,246 $99.00 /cwt
T & C Cattle Feeders Park City 5 Bkbwf-cow 1,365 $98.50 /cwt
Russ Renner Lovell 45 Bk-cow 1,168 $97.50 /cwt
Harvey Wilkis Jr Powell 8 Bk-hfr 417 $215.00 /cwt
Gust & Sharon Mastre Worland 13 Rd/bk-hfr 397 $211.00 /cwt
Diamond C Cattle Inc Melstone 41 Bkbwf-hfr 491 $209.00 /cwt
O Harris Asay Lovell 4 Bk-hfr 477 $209.00 /cwt
Tom E Riley Ballantine 2 Bk-hfr 466 $207.00 /cwt
Huntley Project Stock Ran Ballantine 7 Bk-hfr 511 $206.00 /cwt
Gust & Sharon Mastre Worland 19 Bkbwf-hfr 533 $203.50 /cwt
Lloyd N Or Agnes Cowger Red Lodge 48 Bk-hfr 598 $192.25 /cwt
K Diamond Ranch Pompeys Pillar 12 Bk-hfr 634 $182.50 /cwt
Lloyd N Or Agnes Cowger Red Lodge 20 Bk-hfr 702 $172.00 /cwt
Thompson Cattle Co, Billings 6 Bk-hfrtt 903 $145.00 /cwt
40 Mile Colony Lodge Grass 8 Bkbwf-hfrtt 882 $144.00 /cwt
Jeff Yager Laurel 1 Bk-hfrtt 971 $142.00 /cwt
40 Mile Colony Lodge Grass 10 Bk-hfrtt 945 $140.00 /cwt
David H. Or Rosemarie Brewer Ringling 4 Bk-hfrtt 1,009 $135.00 /cwt
Townsend Ranch Inc Wss 12 Bk-hfrtt 1,070 $130.00 /cwt
Stovall Ranches Llc Billings 5 Bk-hfrtt 1,300 $114.00 /cwt
Huntley Project Stock Ran Ballantine 3 Bk-str 374 $247.50 /cwt
Gust & Sharon Mastre Worland 13 Rd/bk-str 449 $237.00 /cwt
Lloyd N Or Agnes Cowger Red Lodge 3 Bk-str 469 $232.00 /cwt
Brent Shay Laurel 3 Bkbwf-str 471 $222.50 /cwt
Diamond C Cattle Inc Melstone 17 Bk-str 514 $220.00 /cwt
Harvey Wilkis Jr Powell 17 Rd/bk-str 550 $218.00 /cwt
Gust & Sharon Mastre Worland 13 Rd/bk-str 535 $214.00 /cwt
John A Heidema Pryor 80 Rd/bk-str 647 $205.25 /cwt
Lloyd N Or Agnes Cowger Red Lodge 36 Bk-str 652 $203.00 /cwt
Lloyd N Or Agnes Cowger Red Lodge 34 Bk-str 717 $192.50 /cwt