BLS Cattle Sale Report March 14, 2013
3,225 Head Sold
fire fly ranch billings 8 bk-bull 806 $117.50
Johnna Lee Williams Billings 1 Red-bull 911 $117.00
Knaub Cattle Co Lodge Grass 4 Red-bull 997 $111.50
Justin L Beard Ballantine 1 Bk-bull 2,036 $110.00
Watson Farms Inc Lodge Grass 1 Bk-bull 2,206 $109.00
Richard W Griffin Belfry 1 Bk-bull 1,001 $109.00
Springwater Colony Harlowton 2 Bk-bull 1,773 $108.00
Carol J Gaugler Judith Gap 1 Bk-bull 2,076 $107.50
C James & Lloyd L Brown Powell 1 Red-bull 2,381 $104.50
Michael Boeh Livingston 1 Bk-bull 2,106 $104.00
Jon Grosfield Big Timber 2 Bk-bull 1,913 $102.50
M. Marion Stevenson Silesia 1 Bk-bull 2,411 $102.00
Shipwheel Cattle Co Chinook 1 Bk-bull 1,966 $101.50
Stovall Ranches Llc Billings 20 Bk-cow 1,022 $88.00
Carolyn Or Terry Knox Denton 1 Bk-cow 1,201 $85.00
Paul Pederson Columbus 1 Bk-cow 1,411 $82.00
Phil M Jensen Absarokee 1 Bk-cow 1,241 $81.50
Jack Mcguinness Billings 1 Bk-cow 1,386 $81.00
Brad Dorvall Bridger 39 Bk-cow 1,412 $79.00
Ryan L Smith Malta 3 Bk-cow 1,281 $78.25
H Bar J Ranch Malta 2 Bk-cow 1,236 $78.00
L O Cattle Company Sand Springs 6 Bk-cow 1,214 $77.75
L O Cattle Company Sand Springs 16 Bk-cow 1,288 $77.25
Sunlight Ranch Wyola 13 Bk-cow 1,453 $77.00
Sunlight Ranch Wyola 15 Bk-cow 1,412 $77.00
Flanagan's Diamond J Inc Absarokee 3 Bk-cow 1,341 $76.75
Stovall Ranches Llc Billings 8 Bk-cow 1,370 $76.50
Wade L & Marcia Shuler Powell 2 Bk-cow 1,551 $76.50
Robert Or Frances Dellit Sumatra 1 Red-cow 1,471 $76.00
russell or leslie boardman frannie 7 bk-cow 1,571 $75.00
M. James Jr Brown Lodge Grass 2 Here-cow 1,363 $74.50
James Dahle Lame Deer 2 Bk-hfr 396 $161.00
Johnna Lee Williams Billings 3 Red-hfr 372 $157.50
Raymond A Hale Winnett 47 Bkbwf-hfr 453 $156.00
Robert Or Frances Dellit Sumatra 7 Red-hfr 400 $155.00
Gust & Sharon Mastre Worland 23 Bkbwf-hfr 401 $155.00
Teardrop Cattle Co Bozeman 9 Bk-hfr 456 $152.00
Frank Baldik Harlem 6 Bkbwf-hfr 439 $150.00
Raymond A Hale Winnett 93 Bk-hfr 542 $149.50
Rick &/or Madeline Miozzi Cody 5 Bkbwf-hfr 492 $149.50
Lyndon Or Joann Coburn Billings 11 Bk-hfr 467 $149.00
Beartooth Cattle Powell 55 Bk-hfr 583 $148.50
Robert Or Frances Dellit Sumatra 17 Bkbwf-hfr 517 $148.00
Rex Or Lori Murnion Roy 21 Bk-hfr 575 $148.00
Gust & Sharon Mastre Worland 25 Bkbwf-hfr 496 $147.50
The Fs Ranch Corp Cody 58 Bk-hfr 500 $147.00
Dan And Marie Voyich Livingston 17 Bk-hfr 549 $146.00
Frank Baldik Harlem 60 Bkbwf-hfr 537 $144.75
Lyndon Or Joann Coburn Billings 19 Bk-hfr 612 $136.50
T.e. Sherrodd Ballantine 16 Bkbwf-hfr 615 $136.50
Schaak Partnership Hardin 51 Bk-hfr 642 $134.00
Schroder Ranch Harlem 18 Bkbwf-hfr 609 $133.00
Schroder Ranch Harlem 23 Bkbwf-hfr 696 $128.00
Rick &/or Madeline Miozzi Cody 11 Bk-hfr 686 $126.50
Errol Redger Hardin 65 Bk-hfr 802 $125.00
Earl R Or Cheryl L Alt Joliet 5 Bkbwf-hfr 739 $124.75
Montana Agricultural Bozeman 12 Charx-hfr 786 $120.50
Wade L & Marcia Shuler Powell 39 Bk-hfr 870 $119.00
Errol Redger Hardin 5 Bkbwf-hfr 905 $118.50
Mccarty Ranch Llc Cody 1 Bk-str 441 $187.50
Raymond A Hale Winnett 5 Bk-str 444 $180.00
Raymond A Hale Winnett 4 Rd/bk-str 342 $179.00
Ellen Louise Pfister Shepherd 3 Bwf/bk-str 486 $178.00
Gust & Sharon Mastre Worland 22 R/bwf-str 429 $176.50
James Dahle Lame Deer 5 Bk-str 458 $175.00
Ellen Louise Pfister Shepherd 9 Mxd-str 413 $175.00
Ellen Louise Pfister Shepherd 4 Bkbwf-str 413 $175.00
Robert Or Frances Dellit Sumatra 11 Bk-str 477 $174.50
Teardrop Cattle Co Bozeman 6 Bk-str 475 $174.00
Frank Baldik Harlem 12 Bk-str 494 $169.00
Beartooth Cattle Powell 30 Bk-str 583 $168.50
Frank Baldik Harlem 48 Bkbwf-str 566 $167.75
Schaak Partnership Hardin 12 Bk-str 572 $167.50
Shipwheel Cattle Co Chinook 31 Bk-str 560 $167.50
Gust & Sharon Mastre Worland 46 Bkbwf-str 532 $164.00
Floyd E Long Lodge Grass 5 Bk-str 591 $159.00
Mccarty Ranch Llc Cody 8 Bk-str 566 $158.00
Gust & Sharon Mastre Worland 13 R/bwf-str 608 $156.50
Lyndon Or Joann Coburn Billings 31 Bk-str 639 $155.00
T.e. Sherrodd Ballantine 27 R/bwf-str 648 $143.00
Schroder Ranch Harlem 39 Mxd-str 704 $132.00
Beartooth Cattle Powell 3 Bk-str 782 $131.00
T.e. Sherrodd Ballantine 6 Bkbwf-str 826 $129.00
Schroder Ranch Harlem 66 Mxd-str 796 $128.75
Pratt Ranch Billings 42 Bkbwf-str 785 $127.50
Yager Farming Co. Billings 29 Bkbwf-str 782 $126.00